How Organization Helps Improve Time Management in the Home

How Organization Helps Improve Time Management in the Home

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, maintaining a well-organized home can often feel like a daunting task. However, the benefits of organization extend far beyond just a tidy space – it can significantly impact how efficiently we manage our time within the home....
Clever Kitchen Cabinet Hacks You Can Start to Implement Today

Clever Kitchen Cabinet Hacks You Can Start to Implement Today

Are you tired of constantly battling clutter and disorganization in your kitchen cabinets? If so, you’re in the right place! Here at Project Neat, we will explore some clever kitchen cabinet hacks that you can start implementing today to maximize your storage...
Items Every Professional Organizing Package Should Have

Items Every Professional Organizing Package Should Have

Professional Home Organizing Packages The job of a professional organizer is to provide a seamless service of home organizing to their client. There are many different ways to approach the initial steps with potential clients, but certainly the right package options...
Top 7 Tips for Decluttering and Organizing Your Pantry

Top 7 Tips for Decluttering and Organizing Your Pantry

A cluttered and disorganized kitchen pantry can quickly become a nightmare, making daily cooking and meal preparations stressful and time-consuming. It is essential to maintain a well-organized pantry with easily accessible items to have a more efficient and enjoyable...
How to Easily Declutter and Organize Your Kitchen Overflow

How to Easily Declutter and Organize Your Kitchen Overflow

I’ve written before about the importance of an organized and clean kitchen. It’s the heart of the home. A place you spend a great deal of time. And during these last few months of quarantine, I’m sure you spent more time there than you planned to. Today I’m diving a...